On 20 August 2014, the Ministry of Agriculture announced the issuance of  Постановление (Resolution) № 830, which modifies the list of agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs originating in the United States, European Union, Canada, Australia and Norway that were prohibited (pursuant to Res. № 778 of 7 August 2014 and Decree № 560 of 6 August 2014) from being imported into Russia for a period of one year. The list excludes separate headings for which there are insufficient domestic counterparts to the imported products used in the production of important food products or groups to ensure the priorities of agricultural production. The following are specifically excluded from the prohibition: seed (potatoes, peas, sweet corn hybrid, onion), dietary supplements, vitamins and minerals designed to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the human body, flavors, concentrates proteins and their mixtures, food fiber supplements and lactose-free dairy products.

The list also excludes certain fish, Atlantic salmon and trout, of which domestic production can cover no more than 5% of the existing requirements from commercial fisheries.