
Esteban Rópolo (Argentina)


On Thursday 12 December, we hosted the webinar “Trump and Tariffs: A Global Perspective of What Lies Ahead”. The session focused on the potential tariff impacts of President-Elect Trump’s second term in office, giving a global perspective on what to look out for, and how best to prepare. Speakers from across the globe discussed the potential impacts in their respective jurisdictions, the key takeaways of which can be found here. Highlights from our Latin America…

On Thursday 12 December, we hosted the webinar “Trump and Tariffs: A Global Perspective of What Lies Ahead”. The session focused on the potential tariff impacts of President-Elect Trump’s second term in office, giving a global perspective on what to look out for, and how best to prepare. Highlights from our speakers are set out below. To listen to the full webinar, please click here. US Canada Mexico Latin America EU / UK Africa Middle…

The Argentina Customs Director announced in a November press conference that Customs will continue focusing on customs valuations and transfer pricing issues. The asphyxiating foreign exchange regulations currently in place in Argentina are seen by Customs as an incentive for importers to artificially increase the import value of goods (since this will result in the transferring abroad of more foreign currency; a practice known as “over-invoicing”) as well as for exporters to artificially reduce the…

Baker McKenzie’s Global Compliance News Blog published “Global: 2022: International Trade Developments in a Challenging New World,” which can be viewed here.

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014, Baker & McKenzie will host a breakfast briefing to discuss the latest trade & customs developments in Argentina. This discussion will take place in our Washington, DC office. Esteban Ropolo, a Partner in our Buenos Aires office and a member of Baker & McKenzie’s International Trade and Customs Practice Group, will be leading this discussion. This will be a lively discussion as Esteban talks about the impact Argentina’s trade barriers…

Tuesday, April 23, 2013 Increased Customs Scrutiny and Enforcement Activity in Latin America Speakers: Adriana Ibarra-Fernandez (Mexico City), Alessandra Machado (Sao Paulo), Esteban Ropolo (Buenos Aires) Moderator: Terrie GleasonThe webinar will begin at 11:00 AM EST (US) and is scheduled to run approximately 90 minutes.Register today!Upcoming Webinar Dates and TopicsTuesday, April 23, 2013 Increased Customs Scrutiny and Enforcement Activity in Latin America Speakers: Adriana Ibarra-Fernandez (Mexico City), Alessandra Machado (Sao Paulo), Esteban Ropolo (Buenos Aires) Tuesday, June 4,…

Join Esteban Ropolo from Baker & McKenzie’s International Trade and Customs Practice Group in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, April 9, 2013 for a breakfast briefing as he discusses the latest trade & customs developments and Argentina’s trade barriers. Agenda 8:30 am Registration 9:00 am Discussion on Current and Future Trends 10:30 am End of ProgramMore information & Registration.