
Esmee Kooke (Netherlands)


As reported in our earlier blog here, on Monday 10 February 2025, President Trump announced that 25% tariffs will be imposed on all steel and aluminum products imported into the United States (“US”), including from the EU and the UK which were previously subject to exclusions. These tariffs are due to come into effect on 12 March 2025. The key question now is how other jurisdictions such as the EU and the UK will retaliate. …

On 12 December, the EU Forced Labour Regulation (“Regulation”) was published in the EU Official Journal. The publication is following the EU Council’s approval of the Regulation on 19 November 2024. The text of the Regulation was approved by qualified majority with 25 EU Member States voting in favour and 2 EU Member States abstaining from voting. The Regulation was signed by the President of the European Parliament and the President of the EU Council…

This blog concerns an update of our previous blog on the extension of the definition of “consigned from”, to be found here. In 2023, the EU applied anti-dumping or anti-subsidy duties (together “AD/AS duties”) on imports of 141 products from 20 countries. The EU regularly extends these duties to imports of these products from other countries to counter circumvention.As context, to see whether AD/AS duties apply, you need to look at the non-preferential origin of…

On 23 September 2024, the European Commission published the proposal to amend the EU Combined Nomenclature (“CN”). We set our below key updates in this proposal: The declaration of goods upon import, export, or when subject to intra-Community trade statistics between EU Member States is based on the CN. This sets the customs duty rate that is applicable as well as determines how the products are handled for statistical purposes. Therefore, the CN is an…

In 2023, the EU applied anti-dumping or anti-subsidy duties (together “AD/AS duties”) on imports of 141 products from 20 countries. The EU regularly extends these duties to imports of these products from other countries to counter circumvention. As context, to see whether AD/AS duties apply, you need to look at the non-preferential origin of imported products. For example, EU AD/AS duties on Indonesian stainless steel apply on stainless steel with non-preferential origin Indonesia, regardless of…

Considering the major (positive) impact the reform of the Dutch Customs Penalty Regime will have on the activities of operators active in the Netherlands, we wanted, as the date of implementation is nearing, draw your attention on the latter. As of 1 July 2024, the new Dutch customs legislation regarding customs penalties will apply. Under the reformed legislation, operators that unintentionally submit an incorrect or incomplete customs declaration or provide incorrect or incomplete information to…

On 12 June 2024, the European Commission proposed provisional countervailing duties for imports into the European Union (“EU”) of new battery electric vehicles designed for the transport of persons (“EVs”) originating from the People’s Republic of China. The pre-disclosure of the European Commission’s proposal is published here. This pre-disclosure follows from the anti-subsidy investigation concerning EVs from the People’s Republic of China. Find our previous blogpost on that investigation here. The products in the scope…

For the third week, we continued our Annual Compliance Conference with key customs developments impacting on businesses today. Specifically, we discussed the reform of the Union Customs Code in the EU, key trending customs developments in EMEA, and different methods of driving significant financial savings in global supply chains. EU customs reform: biggest overhaul since 1968 Tuesday 14 May SPEAKERS: Nicole Looks (Partner, Amsterdam), Thomas Kukanza (Senior Trade Advisor, Brussels), Sylvain Guelton (Senior Associate, Brussels),…

On 23 April 2024, the European Parliament approved the proposal of the EU Forced Labour Regulation (“Regulation”). The text of the Regulation was approved on first reading with 555 votes in favour, 6 against, and 45 abstentions. The officially adopted text can be found here. Under the Regulation, all products (including their components) manufactured using forced labour or placed and made available on the market in the EU, or exported from the EU will be…

On 12 April 2024, the European Commission adopted the Implementing Regulation no. 2024/1071 (“Regulation”) relating to binding valuation information (“BVI”) decisions in the field of customs valuation and introducing an electronic system for binding origin information (“BOI”) and BVI decisions. The Regulation can be found here. The possibility to apply for BVI decisions from relevant EU customs authorities was introduced into EU Customs Law by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2024/1072. See our earlier blog about…