


CSMS #13-000615 dated December 18, 2013 announced that each Free Trade Agreement (FTA) page on has been updated and expanded to include the following documents: Implementation Instructions Attachment A (Certification of Origin) General Note Link (Always current) Regulation Link (Always current) Agreement Text USITC Report (Includes the General note, the goods that went free immediately and the phase-out schedule to determine future duty rates.) Summaries and Reports (USTR) Implementation Act (The public law.) Presidential…

On 24 October 2013, the European Commission announced that it had adopted proposals to extend the partial exemption from duty drawback prohibition in the origin protocols to the Association Agreements with Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia until 31 December 2015. These measures continue to allow imports free of customs duty into the EU of products originating in these countries, without them having to levy full customs duty on imported materials used in the…