On 4 September 2018, the Kyrgyz Republic notified the WTO’s Committee on Safeguards that the competent authority of the Eurasian Economic Union initiated on 7 August 2018 a safeguard investigation on certain flat-rolled steel products.
The notification indicates, among other things, as follows:
“[…] point of contact for the investigation and identify the preferred means for corresponding.
Department for Internal Market Defence (DIMD)
Eurasian Economic Commission
3/5, Smolensky boulevard
Moscow, 119121, Russia
Tel +7 (495) 669-24-00 # 1309, # 3097, # 3223, #1272
E-mail: tradedefence@eecommission.org.
[…] deadlines and procedures for importers, exporters and other interested parties to present evidence and their views
In accordance with the Protocol on Application of Safeguard, Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Measures to Third Countries (Annex № 8 to the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union of 29.05.2014), interested parties may declare their intention to seek participant status not later than 25 days from the date of initiation of the investigation. Participants to the safeguard investigation have the right to request access to the non-confidential file and participate in public hearings.
The participants to the safeguard investigation may request for a public hearing within 45 days from the date of initiation of the investigation.
Interested parties should submit comments within 60 days from the date of the initiation of the investigation in writing in the Russian language to the following address:
Department for Internal Market Defence (DIMD)
Eurasian Economic Commission
3/5, Smolensky boulevard
Moscow, 119121, Russia
E-mail: tradedefence@eecommission.org.”
Further information is available in G/SG/N/6/ARM/3, G/SG/N/6/KAZ/1, G/SG/N/6/KGZ/7 and G/SG/N/6/RUS/5.