Trade Compliance and Import/Export Control – National and International sanctions.

Dual-use and military authorization regimes.

Rome , December 1st, 2016 Studio

Professionale Associato a Baker & McKenzie

Viale di Villa Massimo, 57


08:45 Registration of participants and welcome coffee
09:00 Introduction Roberto Cursano, Lawyer, Baker & Mckenzie
09:15 Export controls on dual-use items and issues related to the export of intangible technological goods (software, data transfer through servers located abroad, etc.)

  • The list of dual-use items;
  • IT solutions and dual-use: critical issues and points of attention;
  • The applicable European and Italian legislation and related authorization procedures;
  • The current sanctioning system.

Andrea Mezzetti, Lawyer, Baker & McKenzie Riccardo Ovidi, Lawyer, Baker & McKenzie

10:00 The authorization regime for import, export, transit, brokerage and manufacturing delocalization of military items

  • The license provided for by Article 28 of the TULPS (Consolidated Text of Public Security Laws) and the registration with the National Register of Enterprises held by the Ministry of Defense;
  • Authorizations available and reporting obligations established by the law;
  • The sanctioning system provided for by Law No. 185/1990 as subsequently amended and supplemented.

Roberto Cursano, Lawyer, Baker & McKenzie

11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 European and US sanctioning and restrictive measures – construction of an adequate corporate trade compliance system

  • Overview of the US export control system, relevant sanctions and extraterritoriality;
  • Comparison between the European and the US trade compliance system: business transactions with Countries subject to restrictive measures (Russia, North Korea, Iran, etc.);
  • Measures to control the trade of dual-use and military items and related payments;
  • Measures necessary to prevent the imposition of sanctions: adequate business policies, specific contracts, due diligence of business partners, agents and distributors, staff training..

Kerry Contini, Lawyer, Baker & McKenzie  Roberto Cursano, Lawyer, Baker & McKenzie Riccardo Ovidi, Lawyer, Baker & McKenzie

12:15 Customs declarations and formalities for the transfer of dual-use and military items

  • Formalities to be completed with the Customs and the identification of codes;
  • Risks and possible sanctions.

Michele Santocchini, CPA, Baker & Mckenzie

13:00 Panel discussion : Authorization procedures and interactions with the competent authorities with respect to import and export restrictions Mr. Leandro Aglieri, President, Cloud for Defence, Past VP AFCEA Rome Chapter

Roberto Cursano, Lawyer, Baker & McKenzie Kerry Contini, Lawyer, Baker & McKenzie Andrea Mezzetti, Lawyer, Baker & McKenzie

14:00 End of the seminar





December 1st, 2016


Studio Professionale Associato a Baker & McKenzie

Viale di Villa Massimo, 57

00161 Rome, Italy


08:45 – 9:00


9:00 – 14:00




For more information;

The seminar will be held in Italian