On 27 July 2016, the Federal Adm. of Public Revenues (AFIP) published in the Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina (the Official Gazette) General Resolution № 3916 of 25 July 2016, which revises the rules for sending non-commercial shipments via postal/courier providers. The revised rules apply to non-commercial shipments of up to 50kg valued at US$ 1,000 or less comprised of up to 3 units of the same kind of goods and comes into effect on 26 August 2016 and will apply to any shipments not yet delivered.

Under the revised regime, qualifying shipments will be exempt from intervention by the National Food Institute; regulations of the consumer protection agency; import licensing pursuant to Res. № 5/2015 (MP), as amended and supplemented; the identification of goods regime provided for in Res. № 2522/87 (ANA) and its amendments and restrictions and prohibitions of an economic nature. The exemptions may only be used five times per calendar year, per person. The consignee must notify the AFIP website electronically within 30 days of receipt.