
Reagan R. Demas


Baker McKenzie’s Global Supply Chain Compliance Blog published “United States: US Customs and Border Protection issues FAQs on Forced Labor Reiterating Commitment to Enforcement and Encouraging Companies to Implement Compliance Programs,” which can be viewed here.

Baker McKenzie’s Global Supply Chain Compliance Blog published “US Customs and Border Protection Issues FAQs on Forced Labor Reiterating Commitment to Enforcement and Encouraging Companies to Implement Compliance Programs,” which can be viewed here.

Baker McKenzie’s Global Compliance News Blog published “Biden Administration Supply Chain Reports Deeper Dive #2: Focus on the Use of the Defense Production Act to Incentivize Production in Critical Supply Chains,” which can be viewed here.

On April 14, 2014, the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld in part and invalidated in part the SEC’s conflict minerals rule. The court struck down, on First Amendment grounds, the portion of the rule that requires companies to identify products as “not DRC conflict free.” Specifically, the court ruled: We therefore hold that 15 U.S.C. § 78m(p)(1)(A)(ii) & (E), and the Commission’s final rule, 56 Fed. Reg. at 56,362-65, violate…

Tuesday, June 18, 2013FCPA and Anti-Bribery Cases and Trends in the US, China and Russia Speakers: Reagan Demas (Washington, DC), Michelle Gon (Shanghai), Alexander Bychkov (Moscow); Moderator: Maria McMahon (Washington, DC) The webinar will begin at 11:00 AM EST (US) and is scheduled to run approximately 90 minutes.Register today!Upcoming Webinar Dates and TopicsTuesday, July 23, 2013 Customs Valuation and Transfer Pricing: Developments in the US, Canada, EU and China Speakers: Robert Eisen (New York), Paul…

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has two new weapons in its transparency and anti-bribery arsenal – rules that impose new obligations on companies that file reports to the SEC and work in jurisdictions with a high incidence of corruption. These new rules serve to further reinforce the notion that effective compliance programs, including third-party/supplier due diligence protocols and monitoring of third-party payments, are critical to effective risk management when doing business in countries…