Baker McKenzie’s Global Compliance News Blog published “Russia/Ukraine: Reminder – Baker McKenzie webinar invitation: Russia-Ukraine developments webinar” which can be viewed here.

Baker McKenzie’s Global Compliance News Blog published “Russia/Ukraine: Reminder – Baker McKenzie webinar invitation: Russia-Ukraine developments webinar” which can be viewed here.
On 13 April 2021, a new import ban will come into effect on 24 new categories of products originating from the Russian Federation. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution amending the list of products prohibited for import into Ukraine from the Russian Federation, which was previously approved by its Resolution No. 1147 dated 30 December 2015 “On Banning the Import of Products Originating in the Russian Federation into the Customs Territory of…
On 23 March 2021, the president of Ukraine enacted Presidential Decree No. 109/2021 dated 23 March 2021 “On the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated 23 March 2021 On Imposition, Cancellation and Amendment of Personal Special Economic and Other Restrictive Measures (Sanctions),” effective from 25 March 2021 (“Sanctions Decision”) imposing personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions) against almost 80 Russian companies, 23 Russian individuals and three Members of…
On 19 February 2021, Ukraine imposed via Presidential Decree No. 64/2021 dated 19 February 2021 “On the Decision of the National Security and Defense Council “On Imposition and Amendment of Personal Special Economic and other Restrictive Measures (Sanctions)” (the “Sanctions Decision”) personal sanctions against a number of companies and individuals doing business in the Crimea and on the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions (“Temporary Occupied Territories”) and suspected of terrorism financing, as well…