Baker McKenzie’s International Commercial & Trade Blog published “Peru: Clothing imports entered under National Customs Tariff Chapters 61 to 63 are not subject to definitive safeguard measures,” which can be viewed here.

Baker McKenzie’s International Commercial & Trade Blog published “Peru: Clothing imports entered under National Customs Tariff Chapters 61 to 63 are not subject to definitive safeguard measures,” which can be viewed here.
Baker McKenzie’s Global Compliance News Blog published “Peru: Law on customs offences amended,” which can be viewed here.
Baker McKenzie’s Insight+ Blog published “Peru: National consumer protection authority, INDECOPI, allows the use of octagon adhesives on products imported by certain importers” which can be viewed here.
Baker McKenzie’s InsightPlus published “Peru: Procedure for the elimination of non-tariff trade barriers approved,” which can be viewed here.
Baker McKenzie’s InsightPlus published “Peru: Tariff preferences procedure between Peru and the United Kingdom is approved,” which can be viewed here.