On October 9, the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) extended the comment period for the advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) on criteria of “foundational technologies.” Comments may now be submitted through November 9, 2020; two weeks after the original deadline of October 26. BIS also clarified it will accept confidential business information from commenters. Filers submitting confidential information should clearly identify the confidential portion at the time of the submission and must file a statement “justifying nondisclosure and referring to the specific legal authority claimed.” Filers must also submit a public, non-confidential version of their submission. For electronic submissions, pages should be clearly marked as “BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL” on the top of any page containing business confidential information. The corresponding non-confidential version of those comments must be clearly marked “PUBLIC.” The file name of the non-confidential version should begin with the character “P.” 

Comments can be submitted by mail or via the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Our previous blog post on the solicitation of these public comments can be found here.

The authors, Terence Gilroy and Lise S. Test acknowledge the assistance of Ryan Orange for this blog post.


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