On January 4, 2019, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced that it has requested consultations with Peru under the Environment Chapter of the United States – Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA). Through these environment consultations, the United States and Peru will discuss and attempt to resolve concerns regarding a recent Peruvian action to move the Agency for the Supervision of Forest Resources and Wildlife (OSINFOR) from its position as a separate and independent agency to a subordinate position within Peru’s Ministry of Environment (MINAM). This is the first request for consultations made under the PTPA.
The PTPA’s Annex on Forest Sector Governance states: “OSINFOR shall be an independent and separate agency and its mandate shall include supervision of verification of all timber concessions and permits.” Peru’s Supreme Decree 122-2018-PCM, published on December 14, 2018, appears to conflict with this provision.