On January 11, 2018, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) posted on its website the 2017 Out of Cycle Review of Notorious Markets. The report overview section states that:
The Notorious Markets List (List) highlights prominent and illustrative examples of online and physical marketplaces that reportedly engage in, facilitate, turn a blind eye to, or benefit from substantial piracy and counterfeiting. A goal of the List is to motivate appropriate action by owners, operators, and service providers in the private sector of these and similar markets, as well as governments, to reduce piracy and counterfeiting.
The List is not an exhaustive account of all physical and online markets worldwide in which IP infringement may take place. The List does not make findings of legal violations. Nor does it reflect the U.S. Government’s analysis of the general IP protection and enforcement climate in the countries connected with the listed markets. A broader analysis of IP protection and enforcement in particular countries or economies is presented in the annual Special 301 Report published on or around April 30 of each year…
In addition to listing notorious markets, the report also details positive developments where markets or specific websites were closed or some previously listed online markets reportedly took various measures to prevent and deter infringing activities.