On 31 March 2017, the Croatian Customs Administration announced that there will be a new module in the e-Excise (e-Trošarine) System, excise taxation of tobacco products subsystem.

The new module “Foreign Tobacco Stamps” („Duhanske inozemne markice“) is intended for processing forms that businessmen electronically submit if tobacco products are manufactured in the Republic of Croatia and intended for shipment under suspension of excise duty in another Member State of the EU and/or for export marked with stamps of other EU member states or stamps of third countries or are marked with a mark required by the importing country or in another member State or without labels.

Entrepreneurs can test electronic submission of the completed forms and receive feedback messages with the Foreign Tobacco Stamps application from 11 April 2017. On 26 April 2017, the application of the Foreign Tobacco Stamps module will be placed in a production environment ready for the actual work.